Oops. (Catching Up)
It's been a while. My bad!
Soon after my previous two blog posts, I got extremely busy and mostly stopped thinking about the site at all. I eventually got around to working on JabiChat (a LOT), but I didn't really think much about this blog. I intend to be more diligent about updating this in the future, but that might end up being unlikely.
Speaking of JabiChat, I haven't spent 5 months doing *nothing* (only 4!), and I managed to cobble together a closed beta. It went quite well, although there is definitely more work to be done before the beta can go public, as some pretty important features are missing, but it's in a fairly good state right now. If I can get myself to work on it consistently, I think I could be able to get the beta public in around a month.
Obviously, waiting another month without anything new isn't gonna be great, so I intend to post progress updates on here (at least weekly) (hopefully), along with working more on the Wiki.
My first plan for the Jabiveir Wiki is to rename it, as I've found out that, by definition, it is not at all a wiki. I think the new name will be "Jabipedia" (short for "Jabiveir Encyclopedia"), but I'm not yet sure about it. I would also like to rewrite some of the already-finished pages before I move on to new ones.
If you've got any suggestions anything on the site, or you just want to nag me into working, feel free to contact me! (For most of my current audience, that just means telling me in person or over social media, but just in case, you can e-mail me at jabiveir2@gmail.com)
Posted 16/01/2024, 02:32
JabiWiki and Other Plans
The Wiki page for "Five Nights at Jabiveir's" is now out!
That certainly isn't enough for a blog post on its own, so I'd also like to discuss my specific plans for the Wiki, as well as some changes to my plans for JabiChat. For the Wiki, I have several pages that I still want to make, including one for the rest of my games, a page for upcoming and cancelled projects, a page just about Jabiveir in general, and a page for the Jabiveir Website itself. The main reason that I want to change my plans a bit is mainly because of the Jabiveir Website page, as I intend for it to include a list of site-wide achievements. I have a few ideas for what achievements I would want to put in, but implementing the achievements is likely going to be the most time-consuming part of the entire Jabiveir Wiki's development.
This brings me to my new plan: my main focus is still going to be on building the Wiki, but before I continue with that, I will try to put up a rudimentary alpha version of JabiChat, and the two will then be developed in parallel. This is certainly going to make it take longer for both to be developed than if I were to just work on one and then the other, but I think it's important to get JabiChat up and running in some capacity as soon as is feasible, because most of the bugs are going to be ones that I'm only going to be able to find by having people use the application, so I would want people using it as soon as I can manage; also, this gives more opportunity for user suggestions to be baked into the foundation of the application, which will make it much better in the end.
I have no clue how long it will take to build JabiChat's alpha, but I'll be working on it for (hopefully) most of this weekend, and I'll be sure to make another post when it's out.
Posted 21/09/2024, 11:23
First Post and Site Reformat
Hello! This is the first blog post that I'm making for this website. I intend to have these detail my plans and progress in regards to upcoming projects semi-frequently, so releases don't seem as random.
Currently, I've got a lot planned (as you may be able to intuit from the entire site reformat). Now that the site is looking better, I plan to finish the Jabiveir Wiki; this is probably going to take quite a while, so I'm going to release each page as I finish them instead of waiting to have them all complete to release (as was the original plan). After the wiki, I want to get a rudimentary alpha version of JabiChat, a messaging app, up and running; this will be updated over time, hopefully with user requests, and it will also be another way to contact me aside from just my e-mail. After JabiChat, I have two games in mind that I want to make: Idle Rythm, which is already around half done, and Jabiveir Quest 2, which I plan to be a HUGE RPG choose-your-own-adventure game (but that will take a LONG time to make). Past that, I'd like to make some useful free software like music and art creation tools, as well as some silly, less useful stuff.
While these plans are subject to change, I'm hoping that I can stick to them and get through them relatively quickly (especially considering this is the first real update I've made to the site since January).
Thank you for reading, and I hope you have fun on the site!
Posted 16/09/2024, 19:24